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Off the Cluff: what's next for Vancouver real estate (w/ rennie's Ryan Berlin)

Is the real estate market slowing down - or does it just seem that way?

Anecdotally, things in the real estate market in the Lower Mainland seem to be grinding to a halt. But anecdotes are one thing, cold hard numbers are often another.

Rennie, the best known real estate marketing company in B.C., is out with their 2019 real estate outlook, using demographic shifts, migration and other statistics to anticipate demand, and municipal trends to track supply. In short, the region isn’t building enough of the right kind of homes.

Ryan Berlin is the senior economist for Rennie, and joined Rick Cluff via Skype to talk about his outlook.

Rick Cluff is an award-winning journalist who hosted the popular CBC Radio Vancouver morning program “The Early Edition” from 1997 until his retirement in April of 2018.

He has conducted more than 50,000 interviews and asked more than half a million questions, of prime ministers, premiers, presidents and some of the world’s biggest sports and entertainment personalities.